In an effort to comply with the stipulations of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data
held by Private Parties (also known by its Spanish acronym LFPDPPP) Planning Quant S.A. de C.V.,
(hereinafter referred to as PQR) discloses this privacy notice, which applies to personal data
collected prior permission from the Owner -whether a participant or an interviewee-, and thereby
discloses the treatment that PQR (hereinafter referred to as Data Controller) shall give to the
personal data provided to Data Controller.
PQR, domiciled at Calle Río Niágara 40 Bis, Colonia Cuauhtémoc, 06500, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, México,
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, the telephone number of whom is 52083457, the website of whom is, is responsible for collecting personal data, for using them appropriately
and for protecting them, aware of the importance of protecting your privacy against third parties
and aware of your right to determine the fate of your data, has put in place technical,
administrative, and physical security measures to protect your personal data against any damage,
loss, alteration, destruction, or otherwise use, access or treatment which has not been consented
by you, the owner, whether a participant or an interviewee.
I.-Personal Data and objectives of treatment. It is incumbent upon PQR to obtain and treat the
following data from the Owner – whether a participant or an interviewee-: Identification and
Contact Information: Name, date of birth, age, sex, marital status, email address, personal
telephone number, mobile telephone number, total number of people living in the household, who they
live with, whether a mother/father of a minor living in that household; signature, image and voice.
We shall also ask that you provide Taxpayers Identification Number (RFC), and Personal ID Code
Number (CURP).
Patrimonial and/or financial data: Information to determine your socioeconomic level, as it
pertains to your household, number of cars in your household -make and year-, as well as monthly
income level –both personal and familywise. We will also ask about your credit card, debit card, or
otherwise bank accounts, as well as the type of insurance you have.
Employment information: Occupation; occupation of head of household.
Education: Years of schooling, type of school/university attended, whether public or private.
We shall also ask you how many languages you speak.
Leisure/entertainment/diversion: Places you visited on your last vacation; type of social media
that you are habituated to using.
At least one of the following documents may be collected by PQR to verify the identity of the owner
of the personal data: voters’ card, passport, valid military service card, or (when applicable)
professional registration number.
In addition, PQR, in an effort to comply with the stipulations set forth in this Privacy Notice in
the event that marketing research, public opinion and/or communication should be conducted, shall
collect and process sensitive personal data, that is, data pursuant to your political opinion,
union affiliation; religious, moral or ethical beliefs; information on your health, and sexual
preferences. For the treatment of sensitive personal data, PQR will always make the relevant
private notice available to the Owner –whether a participant or an interviewee- with the aim to
properly inform the Owner of the objectives and treatment that your data will be given and, when
required, obtain your consent in writing and duly signed. The Data Controller agrees and covenants
that such sensitive personal data will be treated under the strictest measures of security and that
their confidentiality shall be guaranteed.
The collection of personal data may be conducted when the Owner is contacted by our pollsters in
high traffic centers, in their domicile –door-to-door, by telephoning the Owner – whether a
participant or an interviewee- The data controller may collect personal data from public access
sources, or otherwise from other sources available in the market to which the Owner might have
given their consent to share their personal data. The Owner’s personal data –whether a participant
or an interviewee- shall be collected and treated by PQR in its capacity of data controller in an
effort to carry out the following activities, as their primary objectives:
- Conduct surveys or apply questionnaires to carry out research for marketing purposes, public
opinion and communication. - Invite the Owner to participate in surveys or questionnaires to carry out research for marketing
purposes, public opinion, and communication. - Conduct research on demographic information, interests and behavior of the services and/or
products from their clients, consumers, suppliers, and relevant third parties. - Conduct telephone interviews to the Owners in order to apply questionnaires for the purpose of market research, public opinion and communication by means of recording said interviews.
- Invite the Owner to share their comments or suggestions about the products and services.
- Verify participation of Owner in market research, public opinion and communication.
- Contact Owner either by phone or in person –in a subsequent visit- as to verify their collaboration in market research, public opinion and/or communication, on which their participation is recorded, as well as corroborate the answers provided for the benefit of the quality system of the data controller.
- Allow the Owner to utilize different services of their relevant websites, including the downloading of contents and formats.
Furthermore, the data controller shall utilize your personal information pursuant to the following secondary objectives, only after you have consented to it:
- Your information may be reviewed by the client who requested the research, with the aim to
verify the profile of the participants in interviews, to evaluate your preferences on the selection
of products, services or affinities, as it pertains to the research on which the Owner accepted to
participate. - You will be able to attend audio recordings of questionnaires with the aim to document the process in which you participate.
In the event that you do not desire that your personal data be utilized to meet the secondary objective set forth above, either check or cross the appropriate box below:
Secondary Objective 1 – Your information may be reviewed by our client who requested the
research in order to verify the participants’ profile.
□ I consent.
□ I do not consent.
Secondary Objective 2 – Your information may be recorded in order to document the process in which
you participate.
□ I consent.
□ I do not consent.
The Data Controller may be required to share your personal data with the following service
providers: database administration and management; automated treatment of personal data and
storage; authentication and validation of emails; auditing, collection and processing services. In
the case of minors, the safekeeping of your personal data is extremely important for PQR, as such,
we are committed to collecting the absolute minimum of personal information, prior consent in
writing from either parent or otherwise the Owner’s legal guardian. To that end, the data
controller shall verify the representation of the parent or guardian by means of birth certificate,
official ID, and/or the relevant legal documentation. Such personal data shall be utilized to meet
the objectives set forth in this privacy notice. Furthermore, we inform you that only in the event
of participation of minors –prior consent from their parents or legal guardian-, in general media
research, the following information shall be collected on a minor: personal information, schooling,
patrimonial data –socioeconomic level-, sensitive data – religious beliefs, information on health,
and pastimes. Afterwards, only in the event that either one parent or tutor previously consents,
shall the audio recording of the minor as it pertains to the application of the questionnaire be
To that effect, we ask you to check one of the boxes below, as to whether you consent or not to the
participation of the minor, whose personal data is being used.
□ I consent to the minor personal data being treated in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this privacy notice.
□ I do not consent.
Name and signature of parent or guardian
PQR has put in place the implementation and maintenance of the strictest measures as to ensure the
confidentiality of minors.
II. Consent from the Owner. The owner declares that this Privacy Notice has been made known by the
Data Controller. In the event that the Owner do not agree with the treatment that the data
controller is giving to their personal data according to the terms of this Privacy Notice, the
Owner may withhold their agreement at any time, by refusing to provide their personal data at the
time they are being required, or else, through the options and mechanisms set forth in this Privacy
Notice to that effect. In the event of personal data which are not deemed either confidential, or
patrimonial, or otherwise financial, and insofar as there is no objection from the Owner to the
terms of this Privacy Notice, its content shall be deemed as accepted and its content as being
consented too pursuant to the terms of the third paragraph of Article 8 of the LFPDPPP. The consent
of the Owner may be revoked at any time by Owner, without no retroactive effect whatsoever, in
accordance to the terms and proceedings set forth hereunder pursuant to this Privacy Notice.
However, pursuant to any provision contained herein, the Owner agrees that their consent shall not
be required in the treatment of their personal data from the data controller or third parties in
any of the cases set forth in article 10 of LFPDPP. In the event that the data collected may
include confidential information, the data controller shall carry out actions to the effect of
collecting and effecting the express consent of the Owner in the terms of the LFPDPPP and all
applicable laws, whether it be through the signing of the relevant format, whether in print or
through electronic means, or otherwise through direct replies in telephone interviews, and their
relevant processes to obtain consent, or through the express consent and supply of personal data by
the Owner.
According to the provisions set forth in article 8 of the Federal Law for the Protection of
Personal Data held by Private Persons, we request your express consent for the treatment of
personal data, whether financial and/or patrimonial, by either checking or crossing one box below,
with regard to the acceptance or rejection of such treatment:
□ I consent to my personal data, financial or patrimonial or both being treated in accordance with
the terms and conditions of this privacy notice.
□ I do not consent.
Name of Owner Signature:
According to the provisions set forth in article 9 of the same law, in the case of sensitive
information, we request your express consent for its treatment in writing through your handwritten
signature, by either checking or crossing the relevant box below:
□ I consent to my sensitive data be treated under the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.
□ I do not consent.
Name of Owner Signature:
III. Transfer of Personal Data. The data controller, prior consent of the Owner –either a
participant or an interviewee, may transfer personal data to third parties -whether in Mexico or
abroad-, clients of the data controller, in the understanding that the treatment that third parties
give to the owner’s personal data shall be in compliance with the following secondary objectives:
1) Observation by client of the development of the research 2) Audio recording of deliverables for
the client. Be informed that for the purpose of said transfers, your express consent in writing
shall be required.
If you do not express opposition to your personal data being transferred, it shall be understood
that you have granted your consent to that effect, as such, we request that you either check or
cross one box below, pursuant to your acceptance or rejection of the transfer:
Transfer objective 1) Observation by client of the progress of the research
□ I consent
□ I do not consent.
Transfer objective 2) Audio recording as deliverables for client
□ I consent
□ I do not consent.
Name of Owner Signature
We promise (a) not to transfer your personal data to third parties without your consent, except for
the provisions set forth in article 37 of the LFPDPPP, and (b) to make said transfer according to
the terms set forth by such law. Furthermore, in its capacity of data controller, PQR may transfer personal data collected from the Owner, pursuant to the objectives set forth in this Privacy Notice, without the need of obtaining your consent, in accordance with the LFPDPPP.
IV. Maintenance and Safety of Personal Data. PQR will maintain the owner’s personal data – whether
a participant or an interviewee- for as long as deemed necessary to conduct the studies on
marketing research, public opinion and media, or otherwise data requests, in an effort to maintain
the accounting, financial, and auditing records under the terms of the LFPDPPP and existing
business, tax and administrative laws. Personal data collected by the data controller shall be
protected by means of adequate administrative, technical, physical security measures against
damage, loss, alteration, destruction or use, or otherwise unauthorized access or treatments,
pursuant to the provisions set forth by the LFPDPPP and pursuant to administrative regulations
derived thereof.
V.- Privacy Committee. For any communication regarding our Privacy Notice, you shall send your
request by electronic means to our Privacy Committee, to the following email address: or else, you may submit your request in writing to PQR offices, located
at Río Niágara 40 Bis, Colonia Cuauhtémoc, Código Postal 06500, Alcadía Cuauhtémoc, México, CIUDAD
DE MÉXICO, from 09:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 17:00 hrs., from Monday to Friday.
VI- Procedure to exert ARCO Rights.
As Owner –whether a participant or an interviewee-, either you or your representative, have the
right to access the personal data which you have authorized us to treat; to know information
pursuant the conditions under which your data is being treated; to rectify your personal data in
the event that it be inaccurate or incomplete. Furthermore, you may request at all times to data
controller the cancelation of your personal data, if you deem that such data is not being treated
in compliance with the principles and provisions set forth by LFPDPPP and its regulations.
Furthermore, you may oppose the treatment of such data for specific purposes, that is, in the
exercise of your rights to Access, Rectify, Cancel, and Oppose -known by its Spanish acronym ARCO.
To exert those rights, PQR has implemented a mechanism whereby a request to exert ARCO rights may
be submitted in our offices at the domicile declared in this Privacy Notice. Such request shall be addressed to our Privacy Committee, or else it may be sent to the email addresses indicated above. To facilitate the exercise of your ARCO rights, you can find an ARCO rights request on their website.
In order for your request to be processed, it shall include the following information:
- Name of Owner, domicile and/or email address to send a reply to the request.
- Photocopy of the documents that prove your identity (voters card, passport,
professional registration number, or FM-3), or when required, the Owner’s legal representative
(photocopy in printed format or by electronic means of power of attorney signed by hand by the
Owner and by the representative and the relevant official identifications – voters’ card, passport,
professional registration number, or FM- 3) - Clear accurate description of personal data as it relates to which rights above are sought to be
exerted. - Any other element or document that may facilitate the location of your personal data.
In the event of requests of rectification of your personal data, they should also include the
changes to be made, as well as support documentation. According to the terms of the LFPDPP, PQR
shall within 20 working days of reception of ARCO request to inform the Owner of their decision, to
the effect that, if appropriate, it shall become effective within fifteen days of the date on which
answer is communicated to the Owner. The abovementioned deadlines shall be extended only once for
the same period, provided there is justification to it. In the instance of requests to personal
data, the data controller shall proceed with the delivery, subject to producing proof of identity
of the petitioner or their legal representative, as appropriate, through the issuance of
photocopies or e-documents. The issuance of personal data shall be free of charge, except for
mailing expenses or the cost to make photocopies or any such other forms. Such expenses shall be
paid by the Owner or their legal representative. In the event that the Owner confirm their request
within 12 months, Owner shall pay the resulting expenses, which shall not exceed 3 days of daily
minimum wage in the Federal District, according to the terms of LFPDPPP, unless there are
substantial changes to the Privacy Notice which will result in new consultations. To the effect of
requests of cancelation of personal data, in addition to the provisions set forth in this Privacy
Notice, the provisions set forth in article 26 of the LFPDPPP shall prevail.
VII- Revocation, Limitation to use or disclosure of personal data
You may revoke the consent that you have granted to us for the treatment of your personal data at
any time so that we stop using them, except for the provisions set forth in article 10 of the
LFPDPPP. To enable PQR to process your request for revocation, you shall provide the information
contained in items 1,2,3, and 4 of paragraph VI, to our Privacy Committee through the means as
indicated in numeral V of this Privacy Notice. PQR shall process your request within 10 days of
receiving your request of revocation, and PQR shall inform you of the progress of such through an
email sent to the address indicated by you in your request. It is important to note that your
request may not be given an immediate answer or otherwise that we will stop using your data
immediately thereafter, as PQR may be legally required to continue treatment of your information.
We offer you the possibility of limiting the use or disclosure of your personal data to the
participation of our interviews or surveys, or to the use of your personal data for the secondary
objectives indicated in this Privacy Notice. This shall be done through an email to the following
email address, or otherwise by sending a letter to PQR at Calle Río Niágara
40 Bis, Colonia Cuauhtémoc, Código Postal 06500, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, México, CIUDAD DE MÉXICO,
from 9:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 17:00 hrs., from Monday to Friday, so that you are included in the
exclusion listing, in accordance to your request. You may also limit use or disclosure of your
personal data by sending a letter to Planing Quant, S.A. de C.V, at Calle Río Niágara 40 Bis,
Colonia Cuauhtémoc, Código Postal 06500, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, México, Ciudad de México, from 9:00
to 14:00 and 16:00 to 17:00 hrs., from Monday to Friday, or else by sending an email to the email
address indicated above. To that effect, 10 working days shall have elapsed after reception of
request in order for the withdrawal to be processed.
VIII:- Changes to the Privacy Notice
PQR reserves the right to update from time to time this Privacy Notice in accordance to the changes
to our personal data practices, as a result of amendments to existing laws, company policy, or new
requirements pursuant to the provision of our services or products. Such changes shall be available
to the public through our internet page, hence, the Owner can look them up at the following link: We suggest that our Privacy Notice be consulted at least every six months
as to be updated on its conditions and terms.
IX.- National Institute on Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data
The Owner of the personal data shall, in the event that your right to protect your personal data is
deemed to have been compromised due to an improper treatment of your personal data, file a report
or a complaint with the National Institute for Transparency, Access to the Information and
Protection of Personal Data. For further information, please go to
Format ARCO Rights